MPARTICLEp `@">$: <' Hopefully in the next issue I will 'be able to include the following but no promises mind!& The following reviews all were'supposed to be in this issue but 'missed out. They were supposed to be 'in here as they were all used in &various ways in the front page'picture. I will endeavour to get this right in future issues. &World Data Bank - The map maker from the CIA - yes that CIA.&Odyssey - The five disk demo from& Alcatraz. Is it really worth the price of five disks?&Amazing Tunes II - Share And Enjoy's& three disk music set from where I nicked this months tune.&Space Film - from Dan and Marilyn Bonachea. & I will also include my own ray-'traced picture BBLilies 3 from which I 'took the Buzzy Bee object for the 'cover pic. And as promised elsewhere &I will review Tobias Richter's ray- traced video - Space Wars.' I'll also review the two shareware 'games, Microbes and Cybernetix, by the &hot Kiwi programmers at Vision'Software. If you guys happen to read 'this and have produced any other stuff 'you're not ashamed to admit to I would love to review it.' I'll also review the latest issues &I can find of the disk magazine'Grapevine from LSD. Hopefully FAST 'hasn't put it out of business yet - 'the editor was waiting for a court 'case to come up in the latest issue I 'have read. I don't support piracy - 'it's the articles in the magazine that 'interest me and is why I hope it keeps going.' There should have been a Jargon 'column in this issue and it should 'make it into the next issue. Also, 'assuming someone writes in, there will 'be some letters for you to read. So please get writing. ' See you next issue - hopefully in March. There I've said it! Carl Read - CyberCraft. Promises Promises: Page 1 of 2 Index Promises Promises: Page 2 of 2 Index Contents Enter a page to go to.